Sunday, October 21, 2012 like a nomad.....

Last week in the missions banquet, Pastor Mason asked me to share how this missionary calling happened in my life. I publicly stated that my calling was actually to be a teacher. When I was young, somewhere around 9 years old, an evangelist preached in our church and in a prophetic manner spoke over my life and the gist of the prophecy was that I was called to be a teacher and God would lead me to many and varied places as a teacher. Now many years later I am able to attest to the fact that the prophecy was right on and God has used me as a teacher in many places and with many different responsibilities. I have taught in  public schools, Bible Colleges, private instruction, piano and voice, speech, now the daycare, etc. etc.

When I graduated from high school at 17, I left for Bible College in Rhode Island and basically never lived at home again! When Denny and I married, I never really dreamt that my life would be nomadic.

A nomad is commonly known as an "itinerant." They move from place to place rather than settle permanently in one location. Of course I don't herd animals, or eat off the land. I don't live in a desert or hunt for food, but this word, "nomad" has come into my thinking alot this week.

At work I am around people with deep roots in the area, deep friendships next door, things that have remained the same for most of their adult lives. I look at my life and see something so very different. Lots of miles on this body, lots of transitions physically and emotionally, lots of luggage and boxes, lots of selling houses, posessions, and stuff, lots of going from place to place. Is it bad? I sure hope not, because I can't do my life over!

Missionaries are nomads. Raising the budget has to happen in different places. Missionaries leave the land of their birth and make a difference in another place. Missionaries partner with others to fulfill their calling. Some are called to have deep roots, others like me are called to be "nomadic" and together we are the "senders" and the "go-ers."

What a life!

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