Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I have 2 people waiting for me in Costa Rica!

Well actually a person and a puppy! But I guess I can call her a person, I mean she has feelings, a heart that ticks, and love, lots of love! Denn said she is a joy! I believe he isn't as lonely as before! She is good company.

Who is this second person, puppy I am writing about and haven't even met in person yet? Her name is LLo~LLo. It is pronounced Joe Joe! In Spanish a double ll is pronounced rough like Joe. In Spain it is a soft sound like YO. So if I take her to Spain her name becomes YO~YO! Oh I love her so much already!

I have only met her on Skype. I think she is becoming acquainted with my voice, at least I hope so. I sure do hope Denn brings her to the airport to get me in August. Some people arrive with balloons, others with bouquets, me....I wanna hug LLo~LLo! Well I really want to hug Denn first and LLo~LLo second!

LLo~LLo is trilingual! She comes from Korean missionaries that are leaving the country. She speaks Spanish and she also speaks English, though not as well. She is so smart.

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