Sunday, May 19, 2013


Renee is one of those creative persons! Always thinking of something fun to do. She loves to paint and she loves to dance. I guess that is why she decided to put the two together! It had been a rainy dreary day but that didn't stop her from going outside to create after the rain stopped. It was hard to keep the paper taped to the wet deck but that doesn't stop the creative juices flowing.

At first she asked me for a bucket to put paint in so she could just step into it, then she said, "wait that would take alot of paint that I don't have and it would be wasted after I step into it!" So she decided to simply paint her ballet slippers on her feet. The only problem was after she painted her feet how would she stand up and get to the paper? No way could I carry her there! Let's just say it was probably something I should have video-ed, instead all I could do was laugh. Art sometimes happens when you are just having fun!

All of a sudden a rainbow appeared in the sky and that made for a very precious moment.

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