Monday, February 4, 2013

Newtown, CT.

None of us will forget for a long time, December 14, 2012 when children and teachers were killed by Adam Lanza. Since we lived and travelled in Southern New England for many years I kept wondering where Newtown was located and if we had passed through the area. Sure enough we had. Denny preached in Naugatuck, Ct. on Sunday. Looking at the map I could see that Newtown was close by. When we got near the exit, sure enough I recognized seeing that towns name on the exit sign all those many years. We pulled off the exit and with the help of the GPS we drove right to Sandy Hook Elementary School. What astounded me was how close houses were to the school. It was a very tight road and on December 14th, the chaos that had to have ensued certainly must have stunned everyone, whether they had children in the school or not. Just picturing the emergency vehicles crowding onto that road must have been very intense. On the back road where I would presume the busses would go, there are blockades and a no trespassing sign. There are bears and gifts made into a memorial.
To actually see the school you leave the back entrance and go down a bit and up another road where a fence now closes off the school but you are able to see the building, the basketball hoop and court, classrooms, etc. It was actually still very solemn, very quiet, very sad. Thinking of all the news clips and remembering the details that came across the airwaves at that time makes one to feel very confused when actually sitting on the premises. The children, so scared, the teachers, so brave, the administration, no fear, makes one to evaluate what you would do in a situation like that.

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