Monday, September 3, 2012 little friends...

My lizards have come back!

Funny story...when we itinerated for the first time in 1985-6 we booked a month in the panhandle of Florida. We stayed at the campground and were booked solid. In those days you could get Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, Wednesday and Thursday nights. We had some weekend missions conventions as well. We had a full month to look forward to.

We started out on our journey one clear morning from Selinsgrove, PA to Marianna, Florida. The superintendent of that A/G district was great. He loved on us and encouraged his churches to have us. I remember great treatment in every place we ministered and to this day have wonderful memories of our time there....except one!

After driving a couple of days, we finally arrived at our new home, at least for a month! We jumped out of the car, so happy to be in the warmth and in carrying our stuff through the cabin door, I noticed some friends....when I saw those ugly creatures, I screamed, I jumped, I refused to go inside.

After some cajolling from Den, I tiptoed in, very cautious of where I placed my hands, my feet and my eyes. They were snuggled in the curtains, they roamed the walls, they frightened me to death. Those ugly lizards were nothing to be happy about. It was a cabin with a kitchen so when we brought the groceries inside, I put everything in the frig. I thought those lizards would be like cockroaches and go for the food. I wouldn't take my shoes or clothes out of my suitcase. I kept it zipped tight. Those ugly creatures could not nest in my things. Denny had a lot of patience with me! Good thing our first assignment was in Europe. I wouldn't have to worry about strange creatures!

Today....well today is another day! I miss those precious things! In Jamaica they were everywhere...little ones, nothing like the ones you see in the Cayman Islands! They were on my clothesline, on the grates that held the trash. On the walls, on the rocks, everywhere and they became my friends! Well. sometimes they were my friends. The closer our departure came, the more I said, I wouldn't miss those crazy lizards, but funny thing, I do!

Yesterday in spending time with Denny's sister, she gave me this bookmark. Just to remember those precious creatures that eat the mosquitoes I guess! They are good for something. I need to apologize to all those West Florida lizards that I cursed a long time ago!

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