There are some occupations that have as their theme song....All we Do is Say Goodbye. Military Personnel, Oil Riggers, Government Embassy positions, Missionaries and many more! While we were in Jamaica, we missed Ryan so very much that at times we wondered if we could manage. The longing to be with him was so deep.
We are a close four-some. When Renee would experience home-sickness, it was most likely related to missing her brother. Saying good-bye frequently is one of those things that come with the territory. We have ministry friends that have had to bow out of the missions appointment for this very reason. They realized after approval that they just couldn't continually say good-bye to family, friends, relationships that mattered so much to them. They didn't want to miss weddings, funerals, neices and nephews, etc. They realized that to count the cost it would mean saying good-bye to missionaries leaving their field to return to itinerate, saying good-bye to their ministry site to come home to itinerate, then after being in the states saying good-bye all over again to parents and family. A vicious cycle for the missionary couple and compounding that with their own children living that kind of life.
This morning Denny preached in a church and afterward the pastor and his family took us and our family out for lunch and this topic came up. He was called many years ago to be a pastor, his wifes major in college was missions. Before their relationship became serious they had to come to grips with if it was God's will to marry or not. The pastor knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would not be able to live life as a missionary. He said I could pray, I could send, I could drive the one going to the airport, but it would not be for me to have that kind of ministry. They must have made the right decision! They are a beautiful pastoral couple.
Now that we are state-side and on the same side of the ocean as Ryan we treasure our times together. He drives down from Boston or when we have services in New England, we get to see him. Precious moments. This week was one of those special times. He came to do some recording in the studio and some time with us in our new apartment. He didn't even mind sleeping on the sofa!
Before we even turn around it will be time for us to depart once again for the field, so when we have moments together we are making them count. He left this afternoon, back to his ministry.
We took the kids to a raceway where Den went with his family growing and even into his adult life! Lots of fun!
When he left, Denny said, "Son I wish you could stay with us, but I know you are right where you are supposed to be." What a great feeling to know he is obedient to the call of God on his own life and is fulfilling the desires that God planted in his heart a long time ago. God is so good.
I don't blame Ry, that's a cumfy sofa!