Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mission Accomplished!

When we accepted the new assignment to direct Cincel, we had only been in the states 5 months. We hadn't yet started itineration and the raising of lost budget in Jamaica or the new budget for Latin America. We knew we had time! Not to be! In December Denny started calling pastors asking for a service for anytime through May 5. When missionaries call pastors for a service they are usually looking for a date like in 8 months to a year. Denny was calling for a service for next Sunday! It was really out of the norm.

In February it was like we were taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Discouragement set in. We had no idea how raising the money was going to happen. The reason discouragement set in was because a church that had supported for lots of years dropped us $100 a month because we are not ministering to unreached people groups. We were really thrown. Just a side note. Last month the Costa Rican General Council approved 28 missionaries and guess where they are guessed it...unreached people groups in a very sensitive part of the world.

Well anyway in our discouragement, one Tuesday night Denny went to a sectional council and there asked God how in the world we were going to pull this out. God impressed on him, you won't, I will and gave him the figure....5 by 15 by 5. 500 a month in support, 15,000 cash all by May 5. The date that Denny had to be on a plane to the new assignment. So since February everywhere we go, everyone we talk to, we have asked people to pray for this specific goal.

That night at the council the leader threw out the idea to write what God was saying on a stone and made available broken pottery, stones, what have you. Denny brought home one for upstairs and one for downstairs.

AND guess what!! Denny is on a plane today and the stones can be stored away for remembrance sake! God is so good. We told God that we would brag on HIM every chance we got. I think we will continue. We didn't know how....HE did and it is done!

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